

    "Volunteers are not paid, not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless."


    2023-2024  "OFF TO A GREAT START!"

    Doug, Gary and Steve thank Steven Moore,  Bert Marks,  Glenn Goodman, and Kevin Groen for assisting them.  

    David VanVlack and Rick Fister

    Committee: Heather Ramshaw, Christine Perry,
    Kitchen: Lunch: Heather Ramshaw,  Cathy Howard, Chris DowneySupper: Heather Ramshaw, Deb Kowalik, Bob St John
    Bar: Dennis Kerr, Dan McGrath
    Ice: Thank you Doug Pennell and Gary Thompson

    Convenor: Paul McDonald
    Lunch: Sheila Pennell/Val Burgess, Cathy Howard, Stephen&Lina Graham
    Bar: David&Jordan VanVlack, David Coles, Donna Perrin, Jim Stapley
    Great Ice thanks to Doug & Gary

    Junior League
    Director: Bob StJohn   Assistant: Ken Booker
    Helpers: Pam Jordan, Jay Brownlee, Chris Downey, Michelle Chamberlain, Jane Pearson, Amanda Morrison
    School Teams: Mark Dunham, Robert Dickson, Scott Dickson
    Mon/Fri Programs: Ken Booker, Kelly Bowering

    LEARN TO CURL PROGRAM – Sundays October to December
    Convenor/Instructor: Pam Jordan      Instructors: John Ryan, Sue Lennox
    Helpers: Amanda Bell, Steven Moore, James Lush, John Ashbourne

    SUNDAY LEAGUE – Wes Kerr

    Helpers: Pam Jordan, Doug Pennell, Sheila Pennell, John Ashbourne, Lindsay Kenalty, Jay Winn, Bert Marks

    Convenor:  Paul McDonald    Assts: Donna Perrin, Heather Ramshaw
    Morning Goodies: Jim Lush 
    Lunch: Cathy Howard - Helpers: MaryJo Sergeant-Kerr, Gail Maracle, Walter Emerich, Trish Coyle, Christine Perry, Sandy Smelzer, Jane Nikkel, Ted Whitehead, Carolyn Pringle, Tessa Brunton
    Bar: Janie Ryan, Rick Fister, Chris Downey, John Ashbourne, Angela Kurc, Stacey Jones, Heather Ramshaw
    Ice Techs, Doug & Gary thanked helper Gary Hartin

    MASTERS MEN & WOMEN PQ A QUALIFIER – 25-26 November 2023
    CurlON Rep/Convenor – Steve Eastlake; Co-convenor: Ian Munro
    Scorers: Phil Berry, Paul McDonald, David Ball, Martha McCallum, Bill Hogg, Brian Chadwick, Ken Booker, Helmut Diebold, Mark Dunham, Murray Robertson, Glen Goodman, and John Ashbourne.
    Kitchen: Cathy Howard with Sue Walden, Sheila Baker, Sheryl Martin (2 shifts) Val Burgess, Mary Jane Elvins (2 shifts), and Jane Nikkel.  
    Bar: Ed Kurc, Angela Kurc, Stacey Jones, Rick Fister, Pam Clair, Dave VanVlack, Jordan VanVlack, Jim Stapley, Dan McGrath,  Dennis Kerr, and Steve Eastlake.
    Assisting Doug and Gary on Ice were Steven Moore and Gary Hartin.

    Sticks & Stones Fundraiser
    Convenor -  Heather Ramshaw   Assistant: Christine Perry (special thanks to Deb Kowalik and ladies for the Xmas tree and decorations)
    Morning Goodies: Jim Lush
    Kitchen: Ian Munro, Ted Whitehead, Michelle Chamberlain, Walter Emerich
    Desserts: Heather and Christine
    Bar: Lindsay Kenalty, Dan McGrath, Brian Hobin
    Thanks to Doug & Gary for terrific ice

    Senior Men's Bonspiel
    Convenor: Paul McDonald   Drawmaster: Donna Perrin    Piper: Dennis Kerr
    Morning Goodies: Jim Lush
    Lunch & Supper: Captain – Cathy Howard, 
    Lunch & Supper helpers: Cindy Huyck, Cindy Rowe, Jane Nikkel, Carol Lavecque, Ted Whitehead, Cynthia Lindt, Carolyn Pringle, Nancy Wilkie, Gail Maracle, Louise VanHeighten, Tessa Brunton, Sheila Baker, Brenda Kerr, Sheila Pennell, Mary-Jo Kerr, Kelly Bowering
    Bar:  Angela Kurc, Stacey Jones, Chris Downey, John Asbourne and Heather Ramshaw
    Ice: Doug and Gary thank Gary Hartin, Keith Mayers, Don Currier

    Ladies In-Club Bonspiel
    Convenor: Deb Kowalik   Asst: Stacey Jones 
    Morning Goodies/Lunch/Bakers: Trish Coyle, Sandy Smelzer, Phil Berry. Bakers: Nancy Wilkie, Angela Kurc, Tessa Brunton, Trish Coyle, Joanne Youmans, Sheryl Martin, Sue Lennox, Mary Jo Sergeant-Kerr and Deb Kowalik
    Bar: Heather Ramshaw, Jim Kennelly, Lucas Edwards, John Ashbourne.
    Thank you Doug for great ice, as usual

    Convenor: Jim Stapley  Assistant: Pam Jordan
    Morning Goodies: Jim Lush, Jay Winn, Pam Jordan    
    Lunch - Anne Barber, Kelly Bowering, Robin Stockfish
    Dinner: Pam Jordan, Tessa Brunton, Penny McPherson, Sandy Kennelly, Tom&Sheila Baker
    Bar: Peter Wilkie, Neil Packman, Chris Downey, Mike Derry, John Ashbourne, Jim Kennelly, Phil Wilson, Dan McGrath
    Ice: Steven Moore, Gary Hartin assisted Doug Pennell/Gary Thompson

    Convenor: Heather Ramshaw
    Committee: Prizes and Support: Deb Kowalik | Kitchen and Support: Cathy Howard
    Morning Goodies: James Lush, Marie Craigen, Tom Ayling
    Lunch: Captain Eric DePoe, Helpers Tom Baker, Anne Barber, Janine Murray, Tessa Brunton, Alice Carlson 
    Desserts: James Lush
    Busboys: Bill Casselman, Rick Fister, Max Bishop, Mike Stockfish, Keith Mayers, Wayne Chadwick and Peter Wilkie
    Bar: Jim Stapley, Shannon McKinney, Paul McDonald, Jim Sunstrum, John Ashbourne, Dennis Kerr, Ed Kurc
    Ice: Doug Pennell, Gary Hartin, Steven Moore

    December 16 - John Ashbourne
    January 20 - Dennis Kerr, Rick Fister
    March 2 - Lindsay Kenalty, Cyndi Cossais; Donna Perrin, Janie Ryan, Dave VanVlack, Jordan Van Vlack, Wes Kerr
    March 9 - Marcia DiFazio (2 shifts), Jim Kennelly, Rick Fister, Jim Sunstrum, Dan McGrath, Pam Clair, Chris Ramshaw, Heather Ramshaw, Kim Dickson
    March 16 - Dave Coles, Chris Downey, Wes Kerr, Mike Derry, John Ashbourne

    Site Supervisor/Coordinator - Mark Dunham, Brian Poste
    Game Scores - Jordan & Dave VanVlack, Bill Hogg, Devlen Benton, Peter & Nancy Wilkie, Steven Moore
    First Aid Designate - Ken Booker, Emma Prevost, Mike McGee, Al Hatton
    Food Coordinator - Cathy Howard
    Photographer - James Lush, Dan Fleury

    Convenor: Sandy & Steve Eastlake; 
    Assistant: Peter Wilkie
    Morning Goodies: Cathy Howard
    Lunch: Cathy Howard plus many curlers
    Pizza co-ordinators: Sheila Pennell, Val Burgess plus many curlers
    Bar: Dennis Kerr plus many curlers

    Turkey/Ham toss: Steve, Peter Wilkie, Buff Chadwick, Randy Thompson, Robert Dickson and others

    Ice Clean Up “Muck Out”  (Thurs)
    Steve, Doug and Gary thank Phil Berry, Ed Kurc, Gary Hartin, Keith Mayers, Phil Boyer, Dennis Kerr, Dan McGrath, Jim Sunstrum, Brian Chadwick, Ian Munro, Glenn Goodman, Steve Moore 

    David VanVlack, Phil Berry, Wayne Chadwick, Gary Thompson, Keith Mayers, Mike Stockfish and Rick Fister

    Member Login

    Upcoming Events

    13 Sep 2024;
    07:00PM - 09:00PM
    14 Sep 2024;
    10:00AM - 12:00PM
    25 Sep 2024;
    Plant Start Up
    14 Oct 2024;
    17 Oct 2024;
    Refresher Clinic and Practice Ice Time
    18 Oct 2024;
    Refresher Clinic and Practice Ice Time
    19 Oct 2024;
    10:00AM -
    Swing and Sweep - Open
    20 Oct 2024;
    10:00AM - 12:00PM
    Junior League
    20 Oct 2024;
    01:30PM - 03:30PM
    New Curler Clinic
    21 Oct 2024;
    06:30PM -
    Mens Flight Leagues Begin

    Have a question?


    178 York Street
    PO Box 221 
    Napanee, ON

    Contact Us

    Phone: 613-354-3761   

    Email Us

    About the Club ...

    Napanee curling began in the 1890's on the Napanee River & continued outdoors into the 1920's. Women joined the sport with the formation of the present club, which first curled in the arena from 1957-1960 and in the present facility since 1961. The Napanee & District Curling Club is a not for profit, membership-owned club.